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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Friday, October 24, 2003

The Internet is Incredible

You can search the full text of all of Amazon's books, and look at the pages!. It appears they beat these folks to it. Libraries are facing a big displacement event.[via Ascription is an anathema to any enthusiasm]


11:35:14 AM # Google It!
categories: Media

Shared MovableType Installations

Since MovableType is a personal publishing platform, configuring it as a more general content-management system, so that it can manage their content and not let them step on my toes, is not entirely obvious. The usability aspects of MT are obvious. But how well does the program work with the security requirements and limitations of the host operating system and web server?

In other words, how does one build TypePad in-house?

The problems with shared web hosting arrangements are somewhat well-known, but that doesn't mean that building one is automatic.

11:22:19 AM # Google It!
categories: System Administration