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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Six of One, Half-Dozen of the Other

Chad Dickerson, CIO at InfoWorld, writes about why he couldn't care less about SCO's legal shenanigans.

[B]ecause frankly, if I’m ordered to remove Linux from my IT shop with a gun to my head, I’ll just roll out FreeBSD ....

What kind of threat is that, SCO? BFD. The thing about commodity operating systems is that they are commodities; any is just as good as the other. So give it up, SCO, and retreat back to your previous stock price. You're doomed.

6:28:18 AM # Google It!
categories: Industry

Tree Huggers

Have you hugged your tree today? It might not be there tomorrow.

Palmeries are the communal oasis farms in the desert, planted thick, almost like a jungle, vibrantly green, full of people winding their way between the fields, over the water ways, and under the outstretched palm fronds. It is hard to convey how beautiful these places are, how magical they feel; they put the emotional impact back in the word oasis. I will always remember the day we spent wandering the palmery near Todra. [LaughingMeme: Who Kills Orchards?]

As Mike James said,

There are very few things in life that could move me to violence, but destroying my family’s orchard would likely be one of them. [Tread lightly on the things of earth: Bulldozed lives, palms and people]

6:01:20 AM # Google It!
categories: Sadness