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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Thursday, October 02, 2003

Two Moving Parts

I spoke to DirecTV technical support last night, and they suspect that the noise may be from the fan, and that the unit is overheating. That's possible. But they suggested I call Hughes since the unit is no longer covered by DirecTV's warranty. OK.

Hughes suggested restoring the unit to the factory settings. Because, well, disk fragmentation could cause the fan to whine. That's a real winner of a solution that involves data loss — which data I would lose if they replaced the unit anyway. It's not like I own any of those shows, right?

So I deleted a bunch of Sesame Street and Dora — all the more recent stuff — and wouldn't you know it, the noise stopped. And I also left the cabinet open. Which of the two moving parts is failing?

7:23:44 AM # Google It!