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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Thursday, April 18, 2002

"Life is too short to work for idiots."
David Maister [via tins ::: Rick Klau's weblog]

5:03:26 PM #

The Park That I Love

While reading The Atlantic's article on Disney World pointed to by Cory Doctorow, I noticed this little tidbit.

Every day I find something to love about the Internet. I wander through it with my eyes full of wonder.

3:08:14 PM # Google It!

Most Influential?

Burn down the Disco
Hang the blessed D.J.
Because the music that they constantly play
The Smiths, "Panic"

Or as Warner Music Germany says "Das Gefühl, das die Smiths hier beschreiben, muss wohl einige Musiker in den 80er Jahren gepackt haben." And no, I don't sprechen zie deutsche.

2:44:38 PM # Google It!
categories: Media

A Two-Way Street

My parents were visiting this week. Last night, I told my dad that I thought he would like Jim McGee's "Knowledge work as craft work." He read it, and said that it reminded him of a website, but that he couldn't remember the name. Turns out that it was the cluetrain. So we talked a while about clues; about the relationships of people in a market; about how the provider end of the spectrum has forgotten that there are people on the other side, not passive consumers gorging on their spew.

1:23:04 PM # Google It!
categories: Industry, Media

Message in a Bottle

  1. What makes mail valuable?
  2. What makes the telegraph valuable?
  3. What makes the telephone valuable?
  4. What makes radio valuable?
  5. What makes e-mail valuable?
  6. What makes Instant Messaging valuable?
  7. What makes the Web valuable?
  8. What makes the Internet valuable?

Were your answers to all of the above the same? Let's rephrase the questions.

  1. What do you use mail for?
  2. What do you use the telegraph for?
  3. What do you use the telephone for?
  4. What do you use radio for?
  5. What do you use e-mail for?
  6. What do you use Instant Messaging for?
  7. What do you use the Web for?
  8. What do you use the Internet for?

Now were your answers all the same? Why not?

11:47:06 AM # Google It!
categories: Industry, Media, Messaging

Whalley notes this patent: U.S. Patent 5,984,311: Travel game and method of play.

11:31:01 AM #
categories: Law