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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Tuesday, April 09, 2002


Dave, within the 'blog posts can be categorized. Why not categorize the 'blog itself?

You say,

3. Clearly covering a domain. We love all kinds of weblogs, but this directory doesn't attempt to list them all. We only want weblogs that cover a domain of expertise.

Categorization of the feed would self-select to an extent. Then once the data is in feed, the directory of domain experts could be built from subscriptions to the feeds, no?

I see, however, that the RSS 0.92 spec doesn't specify a category sub-element in the channel element, but it doesn't barf on it either: example

I'm thinking out loud here.

5:51:55 PM # Google It!
categories: Writing Online


Croton parishioners shocked and furious:
"It seems weird because you'd think you could trust a priest," he said. "I'm afraid to do confession now."

12:57:17 PM # Google It!
categories: Identity, Industry, Language, Law, Media, Sadness

The incestuous universe of early bloggerdom

The incestuous universe of late capitalism:
TheyRule is ... an interactive explorer for interlocking directorships of major corporations, in which you can trace the relationships between, say, Coke and Pepsi.... [bOing bOing]

Great application, but the GUI sucks. Meanwhile, pointing in circles again, the circle expands. Jenny points out Rory. I mention Rory to Denise because she collects lawyer 'blogs. Denise points out Rory. Ernie gets the point, then Dave does. Dave points to Rory. Rory gets the points.

Want to know the really amusing bit about all this? My Dad's family is from West Virginia.

12:35:33 PM # Google It!
categories: Writing Online

In-line Linking Illegal Says 9th Circuit [LawMeme: Legal Bricolage for a Technological Age]

I read about this decision in commentary by Denise Howell.

12:20:05 PM #
categories: Law, Media