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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Thursday, May 01, 2003


4:00:17 PM #

iLife Events

In preparation for the Big Sister's birthday party, we decided to scrap the Sharp camcorder in favor of something more usable. We tried a Panasonic PV-DV103, but the recording wasn't stable, and dropped more frames than an apprentice glazier. So we exchanged it for a Sony DCR-TRV19, which just happens to be supported hardware. That is, it works with my iMac.

I think I may become an iMovie junkie, once I buy more disk. In the meantime, I need to point out to CircuitCity that Sony throws in a FREE! carrying case.

3:27:55 PM # Google It!

Evolutionary RSS

Ximian Evolution uses RSS to display news items on the summary panel.

That's neat.

1:48:54 PM # Google It!