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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Thursday, February 07, 2002

This experiment in penguin physics requires Macromedia Shockwave, which will restart your browser if you don't already have it installed, but is hilarious.

5:15:19 PM #

This experiment in Halo physics requires QuickTime to observe, but is hilarious.

5:06:05 PM #

I notice that I now have little Woodlands theme doohickeys at the top of each day. The switch between themes is obviously not as clean as it could be.

4:58:25 PM #


4:55:30 PM #

The sub-table is not always 63. FTP upstreaming is off. Does this work?

4:49:50 PM #

I changed my Radio theme to Woodlands, then changed it back to the default. Then I stopped upstreaming via FTP because BestWeb was offline. Now that I've enabled the FTP upstreaming again, Radio says "Can't upstream because "Can't find a sub-table named "63"." Let's see what happens if I turn the FTP upstreaming off again.

4:43:09 PM #

Sun broadens support for Linux (c|net)

4:39:22 PM #
categories: Industry

Looks like BestWeb is back online today. They put up a nice explanation of how their NFS disk farm went to Hell in a handbasket.

2:16:02 PM #
categories: System Administration