Cox Crow
Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
The Guardian: "Among the 45 families of Siya Sang, there is no longer a stigma attached to the sale of an underage daughter, only resignation."
On the down side, the server was h4x0red 1n 2k2 by someone with spelling difficulties.
4:42:28 PM #
On the plus side, the web server is up, responding, and contains exactly the content I expected.
3:41:33 PM #
The IM spammer's domain is a new one. Isn't it nice that when you register a domain through EarthLink, and probably other ISPs, that you don't have to provide any sort of real contact information to the world?
3:40:34 PM #
I just got my first Yahoo! Instant Spam:
julie_webcam: Hey there! :"> My roommates and I just got my webcam working! We're going to play around with it. Come check it out!! :x
3:32:40 PM #