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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Wednesday, January 30, 2002

The guys at Sun just made me laugh.

$ tail /etc/init.d/inetsvc
# Run inetd in "standalone" mode (-s flag) so that it doesn't have
# to submit to the will of SAF.  Why did we ever let them change inetd?
/usr/sbin/inetd -s

5:51:11 PM #
categories: System Administration

* has a file version that is greater than what is expected.

The W2K SRP1 does not update the Registry keys that inform hfnetchk about which patches have been installed, assuming that it should add additional keys for each hotfix included in the SRP1. hfnetchk does not read the version information from the Registry. The current version, and any checksum if necessary, is provided by the mssecure.xml file, which hasn't been updated yet.

3:20:36 PM #
categories: Security, System Administration

Microsoft has released the Windows 2000 Security Rollup Package 1. It was available at the windowsupdate site before the announcement made it to TechNet. I have yet to receive the expected e-mail announcement.

2:59:28 PM #
categories: Security, System Administration

Hans Reiser comments on DOJ v. Microsoft:

There is only one characteristic that necessarily defines the separation of a software product, and that is the license.


Secret source code can be an essential facility the equal of putting a combination lock on every bolt in a car, and then declaring the combination to be a trade secret.


Declare that software is per se separable where source code is available. Declare source code to be an essential facility. Return copyright and patent practices to their historical roots, and require that information created be made public if it is to be protected.

2:05:37 PM #
categories: Dear Microsoft, Law

Dear Microsoft: make it stop please!. "I wanted to say thank you very much for letting me test drive a version of Microsoft Office for the latest Apple operating system, OS X. Office X has a really nice interface, and it looks like it has lots of nifty tools. But after playing around on it for a couple of days, I have to conclude that I'm not interested." More at BusinessWeek. [Meerkat: An Open Wire Service]

My sentiments exactly. c.f.

1:36:59 PM #
categories: Dear Microsoft

Apple. "In short, there is no technological reason for Apple to worry about .NET." [The Motley Fool]

1:33:11 PM #