System Administration
Tools for the toolbox
Conveniently Stackable Shoulders
The opening lines grabbed me:
In toy stores everywhere a depressing trend unfolds: Lego bricks are losing popularity and the line of Lego known as “TECHNIC” has been transformed into a shallow mimicry of action figures. Somewhere an accountant or a focus group must have realized that a box full of plastic bricks and gears was too complicated, took too much work to transform into something that resembled a toy, and wasn't selling as well as Star Wars merchandise.
— Disenchanted
I guess I must be one of those inquisitive engineers mentioned at the bottom of the graf, because I find the Lego TECHNICs boring. You can't build many things with them. You have to go out and buy more.
5:55:49 PM # Google It!
categories: Industry, Learning, Media, System Administration