System Administration
Tools for the toolbox
Speaking of an RSS feed for RedHat Errata, RedHat doesn't have one, yet. rssDistiller on the other hand....
5:04:04 PM #
categories: Writing Online, Security, System Administration
Survey Says!
Netcraft's survey shows Apache gaining at the expense of Microsoft-IIS as sites at expire. As a result of Larry Seltzer's speculation on why IIS gained share, Mike Prettejohn offers some clarification. I agree: it's still too early to discern a trend.1:27:17 PM # Google It!
categories: Industry, System Administration
Thou Shalt Patch
Perhaps UserLand would take advantage of RedHat Network if they received errata as an RSS feed. CERT has a feed as well.Dave: "Our Linux server appears to be infected with a worm." [Scripting News]
These things are eminently avoidable.
11:01:24 AM # Google It!
categories: Writing Online, Security, System Administration