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Because Man is a Gregarious Animal
 Friday, September 26, 2003

People are People

Via Ramblings of a self-styled hacker, the courts are slugging it out with Congress and the Executive. Wouldn't the world be a simpler place if we could just agree that corporate entities are not people? Damn that clerk!

By the way, to get around the issue of corporations not being persons, and therefore not granted rights under the Constitution, each employee may be considered a individual contractor, such that it is not by corporation which is speaking, but the individual person. That is, the corporation has hired persons to speak on its behalf. The person contracted may call, and I may sue them for disturbing my peace. It would be a highly risky proposition for those not independently wealthy to call outside of regular business hours.

Further, regarding the discriminatory aspect of the Do Not Call list, I suggest that first, the FTC modify the rules to exempt no organizations, and second, that the implementation of the Do Not Call list offer the registrant the opportunity to prefer calls of a certain type. Again, my preference is that I would register for a Please Call list, rather than a Do Not Call list, which, if the provisions in the regulation cover all entities, would be easier to implement.

4:54:41 PM # Google It!
categories: Law, Politics