Cox Crow
Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
In the Eyes of New York State
The Town of Kent has this to say about the New York Consolidated Law.
Boring as it may be, a read through - at least once - can be an eye opening experience. Once you understand what our Town government can and cannot do you will be a smarter citizen and thus better able to effect progressive change.
5:34:39 PM # Google It!
Citizenship in the Ocean State
Rhode Island publishes a Government Owner's Manual.
2:41:17 PM # Google It!
categories: Politics
Out of Reach
Verizon DSL and DirecTV bundles will be available soonish. I am both a Verizon customer and a DirecTV customer — and a happy TiVo customer by way of DirecTV. And if I lived in Rhode Island, I might further consolidate my bills. But I don't. If it were available in New York, I'm still too far away from the central office. And I'll be too far away for quite some time.
Would I buy it? Yes.
Can I buy it? No.
2:39:53 PM # Google It!
categories: Industry

2:02:04 PM #
categories: System Administration
Rebuilding the City
It took a while, but it looks like the outer boroughs are no longer black pits of despair (except for the family of one small boy).
[N]ew census data show that New York City is in the midst of a more surprising housing boom that extends across much of Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx.
"The Bronx is becoming once again what it was for most of the 20th century, a center for middle-class families and working families with kids," Mr. Yaro said. "It's got good bones — good parks and good transit."
12:54:17 PM # Google It!
categories: Place
Attention Must Be Paid
The New York Times profiles Carmel.
I have also lived in Belmont, and in Shrub Oak. (My wife's family moved to Shrub Oak from the Bronx.) This quote from a realtor strikes a chord (emphasis mine).
"When potential homeowners first come to us, they say they are just looking for a home in Yorktown," Ms. Mannion said. "But when they discover that Shrub Oak is a walking community where everything is in reach, from pizza to a new pool, and they find it's one of the few places left in the county where you can still find affordable homes, they're sold."
11:57:14 AM # Google It!
categories: Place