Category: General
To Slow Traffic
There was a horrific hit-and-run manslaughter in New Jersey on the 18th. The mother was walking with her 2-year-old son cradled in her left arm while holding ha...
What does it take to become a “New York Times best-seller“? The girls received A Family of Poems: My Favorite Poetry for Children for a late Christm...
Communication Paths
At work we are currently awaiting some answers to some questions, and I was explaining the delay over dinner in this manner. Suppose I wanted to talk to Great-g...
Advice for the Real Estate Speculator in the New York Metropolitan Area
Here’s a map of the Metro-North Rail Road lines. Find towns near stations on those lines with lower-than-average prices on their housing stock and which s...
The Failing State
via Planetizen, this BBC article on a Foreign Policy and Fund for Peace report listing failed states. If they’ve failed, why do we not let them fall? Why ...
Lily Tomlin on Mr. Hoover
There’s absolutely no reason for your people to skulk about, electronically speaking. You can get all the information you need from us, probably a lot mor...
‘Tis Spring, and the Grass is Growing
I’ve mentioned before that our new house is huge. The lawn isn’t as large as the last, but seems more so because it is less contained, surrounded by...
New Reading
In the past few days I’ve run across two new sites worth devoting some time too. And you have to devote time because they write long pieces, rather than t...
Listening Post
Apparently the rest of the country is waking up to a small bit of information they conveniently forgot in their tizzy over the Dubai Ports World brouhaha. USA T...
A More Devious Respose
Last week there was a distributed denial-of-service attack against Blue Security. In response to that attack, the not-so-thoughtful folks there changed the DNS ...
Raglan Road
There’s a new restaurant on Disney property to try: Raglan Road Irish Pub and Restaurant. It is said that Irish food is from hunger. But I really enjoyed ...
Customer Service Week
Last week’s theme appears to have been customer service. The following were all waiting for me in Newsgator. The Art of Customer Service, by Guy Kawasaki,...
Disney’s Biometrics
One of the interesting changes since the last time we were in DisneyWorld was the addition of finger geometry scanning when you present your ticket for park ent...
Secure Web Server Market Share
Netcraft reports that Apache has overtaken Microsoft Internet Information Server as the most-used SSL server. It’s a small lead, but look at the trend in ...
Expect the Unexpected
John Gruber writes about the far-too-helpful changes to selection, in which Apple added annoyance-level compatibility with Microsoft Windows to Mac OS X. Stop i...
The Political Economy and Gas Prices
Zimran points out an essay in Slate wondering whether increasing gas prices make politicians stupid. No, rising prices make them cowards.
The Cube NeXT to the General Motors Building
It appears that Apple is building a giant NeXT cube in the hole in front of the General Motors building. The Midtown Book writes of that hole, The sunken plaza,...
Naggregator Showdown
Krzysztof Kowalczyk prefers Bloglines. I prefer Newsgator Online. We both win.
What Impact do Fuel Prices have on Traffic?
There should be sufficient data available to the State departments of transportation to describe the impact of variations in fuel prices on traffic. I wonder wh...