Category: General
What My Amazon Wishlist Wants
I have 180 or so items on my wishlist at Amazon. There are a couple of things that would come in handy. The obvious one would be the ability to search through i...
Ask the Children for the Secrets
Denise Howell found out about the information siphoning at Build-a-Bear. Wait ’til she finds out about Webkinz. But she’s right about Build-a-Bear: ...
Post Something or Other
Sometimes I just want to scribble something in my journal. Maybe I can suppress the titles on these posts that don’t really want one. But then what would ...
First Impressions
I used Microsoft Vista for the first time this afternoon, while setting up a wireless network for my father-in-law. Holy shit is it annoying.
Stupid Solution in Search of an Non-Existent Problem
There are lots of companies pouring lots of money into digitizing MY medical records, and all I can think is why the hell would I want that?
Gender Differences
Following the recent success of The Dangerous Book for Boys, there comes The Daring Book for Girls. The latter looks to be as entertaining and useful as the for...
Emergency Notification Procedures
Power is out in Beekman today. NYSEG‘s electricity emergency phone line had a recorded message about the outage last night, and power was expected to be r...
Heds, Ledes, and Decks
Make the first sentence pull the reader in. I’m reading syndicated content in Newsgator Online. Even in full-content feeds, it displays only the first few...
No More Rose Art Crayons, or MegaBloks, or ….
Dear Mega Brands: I am not buying any more Rose Art® crayons or MegaBloks. Neither are my friends and acquaintances. Next time, listen and act when one of y...
I’ve noticed that I am becoming more impatient with spending the time to learn new software. I don’t think this impatience extends to learning anyth...
Write in the Heat of Passion
I’ve a story about Verizon Wireless’s anti-customer service, but the heat of anger has faded. And while I want to tell this story to destroy any hop...
Why Put Off Today What You Can Put Off Tomorrow?
As a serendipitous follow-up to my problem with piles, John Gruber points the exact procedures for Not Getting Things Done. Well, hell, I could have told you th...
Making Change Requires a College Degree?
If kids are smarter today (maybe), then why the hell can’t they do basic math? I know I’m not the only one who has come across the cashier who can...
What to Do with These Piles of Unread Piles
I don’t read things as fast as I find things to read, so I end up with piles of magazines, and newspapers, and books, and print-outs on my desk, or fifty ...
Why is my account inactive? Yahoo! Mail deactivated your mail account because: You have not logged into your mail account during the past four months. I never u...
What Kind of Remarkable Customer Service?
Joel Spolsky suggests seven steps to remarkable customer service. Along the way (in step one), he used the industry category containing a certain large employer...
I’ve mostly switched instant messaging services. I still have AIM, and Y!M, and other accounts, but the only one which I use with any frequency is Google ...
Price Discrimination
Steve Jobs asks So if the music companies are selling over 90 percent of their music DRM-free, what benefits do they get from selling the remaining small percen...