Morning Mood
The camera can not capture what I see. Pouring rain outside, slow and steady and constant. Leaves surfing the light breeze. The slower drip of water from the br...
The camera can not capture what I see. Pouring rain outside, slow and steady and constant. Leaves surfing the light breeze. The slower drip of water from the br...
I say this every time because it’s true: the pain I can deal with. It’s the vision loss that bothers me. There’s a question — I think of...
I have, since I found out about it, wanted to go to space. I remember, vividly, watching Star Trek in color in the basement of a friend who had television and s...
Once one spam comment gets through, all your base are belong to us. Oh well. I should have disabled comments if I was going to abandon this building for a coupl...
Without constant external stimulation, we might have to face the anxious terror of consciousness. And so the increasingly urgent demand in a first grader’...
When I’m driving along the road, I wonder, “Where are they going? What do they do? How is their life?” When someone brushes by you at the mark...
In housework, as in any field primarily concerned with the reduction of chaos, the work itself is not noticed; only the failures are. Take a few moments today t...
This needs a picture. The corner grocery has placed anti-theft devices around the pregnancy tests. Has the embarrassment of purchasing a pregnancy test caused a...
I have removed all advertising from my website. I’ve had a website online since 1996 or so, and since then I’ve made perhaps $3.00 from affiliate ad...
Dear Spammer: You’re wasting your time, but not mine. All posts here that Akismet thinks are spam are automatically deleted. Fuck you, and the horse you r...
I’m disturbed by what seems to be the very common practices on today’s Internet of copying another’s work without acknowledging the source, of...
1) An essential characteristic of UDP is that it is a) unreliable b) undecipherable c) unconscionable d) unwieldy 2) This characteristic is a result of which qu...
Frankly, I don’t understand why people buy gift cards. I understand why they give them, but not why they buy them. Gift cards are given because giving the...
Back before Twitter, there was September 11th 10:40:10 AM R.I.P. WTC 🙁 10:06:15 AM Looks like most of the news sites have been /.d. Guess no ...
While reading In Our Image: America’s Empire in the Phillipines, I came across mention of a disturbingly familiar topic. War is hell. From The New York Ti...
1 c. sugar 1 c. flour 1 c. milk 1 stick butter 3 tsp. baking powder 1 qt. fruit, sweetened Heat sweetened fruit in saucepan. Melt butter in deep baking dish (at...
mysql> delete from wp_comments where comment_approved = 'spam'; Query OK, 1758 rows affected (0.16 sec)
The newspaper had a map of each country’s carbon footprint per person. Something like this one from Wikipedia. This is one of those graphics that misleads...