Good Fences Make Good Neighbors
If you are blocking the MSSQL ports on your firewalls, block both inbound and outbound traffic. Just as you do not want the worms to enter your corral, you do not want your worms to escape.Consider also the vectors of attack. Do the infected hosts have both internal and external NICs, exposing both sides of the fence? If they only face one side of your network, how did the worm get inside the fence? Did it tunnel through a trusted relationship with a vendor? Did an unwitting staff member bring the infection to work on his laptop? Through dial-in or the VPN?
5:34:11 PM # Google It!
categories: Security
Back at Keys
BAK, I find some interesting developments on the VoIP and security fronts. One, the ILECs don't like way Vonage et al are using telephone numbers. The other, a large enough number of system administrators failed to patch their Microsoft SQL Server installations, and so created a fertile ground for worms.I wonder how the VoIP-only services dealt with the resulting traffic loads. I noticed a serious quality degradation in traffic nominally originating on the POTS network in the long-distance calls I received on Sunday.
11:20:01 AM # Google It!
categories: Security, System Administration