Writing Online
on my (ab)use of Radio Userland
Working Documents
Aaron Swartz has written a specification for RSS 3.0.I like the way that Sam Ruby is approaching this. With each suggestion, another form of his feed appears. It is just data — malleable data, spewable in many a flavor, consumable in as many.
However, the air gap in this discussion is rather broad. Aside from political and personal difficulties among the participants, I think there's a misunderstanding of what a specification is, in relation to a standard. It might behoove the participants to adopt terminology from the IETF, and admit that specifications grow through stages: a working draft, a request for comments, a standard — each of which can be the basis for an implementation.
To me, it looks like Dave Winer is getting his thoughts in order before writing something.
9:36:35 AM # Google It!
categories: Writing Online