Author: Will Cox
The Language-Making Animal
Marketplace links to a Reuters story on a group of deaf children in Nicaragua who have invented their own sign language. The living laboratory of up to 1,000 ch...
It’s All in the Delivery
WSHU reported that an intoxicated councilwoman in Connecticut hit a light pole after swerving to avoid a deer. She’s not a regular drinker; she’s a ...
Risk Takers
Sometimes I catch Marketplace, which plays on WSHU at 18:30 weekdays, on my drive home. The other day they interviewed Richard Florida about whether post-9/11 p...
Unused Muscles
I have more than a couple of muscles I don’t use on a regular basis. I’m finding a lot of them now that I’m fencing again, at the park down th...
The Experience of Updating Firefox
The Mozilla Foundation released a security update for Firefox on October 1, 2004. This fix is small, installs painlessly, and does not require you to restart yo...
Excessively Microsofted
Microsoft reorganizes their websites every now and then. The recent change to TechNet has vastly improved the URIs and UI both. But I think someone involved wit...
Wait Until He Learns to Type
In a story on Apple iBooks being provided for students in Putnam Valley, the Journal News writes Zachary Maucieri, a seventh-grader, said he doesn’t like ...
Referred History
The killer feature in the forthcoming Mozillas: recording the referrers in the history log.
Remember, He’s Marketing
OK, now I’m going to pick a nit. Schwartz says, regarding IBM, Finally, the ‘P’ in Power5 stands for Proprietary. You can’t claim your c...
The View from the Sun
I’m finding that Jonathan Schwartz’s journal provides an interesting perspective on Sun and this industry. Regarding HP, he writes: But that said, I...
How to Upgrade RedHat 9 to Fedora Core 2
What do you mean Linux is difficult?
Picasa v. iPhoto
On my Windows desk, I’m using Picasa to look at the pictures from the new camera. It compares quite favorably to iPhoto, and even beats it in some respect...
Those Pesky Borderlines
There’s an amusing political story in today’s paper, in among the depressing stuff. The county board of elections has removed two candidates from th...
Potential Electoral Changes
The Political State Report reports that there is an amendment on the ballot in Colorado to address allocation of that state’s electors. I’m still no...
Alternate Wars
One down-side of vacation was that I didn’t finish Harry Turtledove’s Settling Accounts: Return Engagement. The books in this mileau are showing sig...