Balance of Accounts
With the great disaster in our minds, and the end of the fiscal year looming, now is a good time to balance our accounts. How much did you spend this year on go...
With the great disaster in our minds, and the end of the fiscal year looming, now is a good time to balance our accounts. How much did you spend this year on go...
In response to the error message error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - Invalid argument (22) error:...
Novarese points to the Department of Justice‘s memorandum on the Second Amendment, “Whether the Second Amendment Secures an Individual Right.”...
In A Christmas Carol, Dickens warns to beware Ignorance, for he is the Doom of Man. “They are Man’s,†said the Spirit, looking down upon them. “And they...
Amazon needs to integrate with AllConsuming. But the AllConsuming API doesn’t do PUT, and the Amazon webservices don’t permit modification of the wi...
We all had a merry Christmas, despite some aches and ills. I hope you did too.
I don’t recall if I’ve mentioned this before, but if you don’t want more people living where you live, don’t pretend to be fair-minded a...
I picked up Images of America: Putnam County the other day while Christmas shopping. I find this series from Arcadia Publishing both interesting and depressing....
Joel Spolsky whips out a copy of Visicalc to demonstrate the economics of pricing, its effect on demand, and price discrimination as the road to profit — ...
My wife is lost somewhere in Pound Ridge. The cellular service is only good enough for a few seconds of talking. This is not long enough for me to find out wher...
Comments are enabled, but moderated. I tolerate no spam, and wield a wicked pen.
Merry Yule!
“PLAYING WITH URBAN LIFE: How Simcity Influences Planning Culture,” The Next American City, October 2004
Chris Gillen reports that Herr Hitler was a tax evader, before suddenly finding himself forgiven in 1935.
When you use something frequently enough, its use becomes autonomic. So-called “muscle memory” causes you to use vi keystrokes in Microsoft Word, fo...
LinkPath: Jeremy Zawodny -> Jeff Boulter -> Jakob Nielsen: Most Hated Advertising Techniques -> AlertBox -> Undoing the Industrial Revolution -> ...
Over the past few days I’ve seen references to The Long Tail, a nondescript title which reminds me of a rat, but until reading Gordon Weakliem‘s com...
Unlike other winter brews, Sierra Nevada‘s Celebration Ale is hoppy. Good stuff.
Humans have always changed their environment, some groups more than others. The Geological Survey‘s Temporal Urban Mapping program shows changes in the ur...