The Future of Television?
In a BusinessWeek article on how Microsoft is causing SBC to fall behind schedule — thanks, Bill — the authors don’t question a key market ass...
In a BusinessWeek article on how Microsoft is causing SBC to fall behind schedule — thanks, Bill — the authors don’t question a key market ass...
Does anyone pay attention to SGI anymore? Some years ago, SGI decided to discontinue development of systems using the MIPS processor, and to pursue development ...
David Sucher wonders, in response to my post from the other night, if anyone has mapped the real estate bubbles. The realtors release pricing information from t...
Well, hell, I’m surprised. I’m not surprised that Apple has been developing all versions of OS X since its inception to run on both Intel and PowerP...
About this housing bubble (via The Big Picture), David Sucher asks, should you buy or sell? That’s a very good question, and I tend to agree with his anal...
COLD SPRING $434,000 914-271-4433 3BR, 1Full Bath ranch, beautiful 1acre property. Move in condition! HW floors throughout. Ba...
We just voted down the proposed budget for the Mahopac Central School District, because of the 9.95% property tax increase involved. 2,593 persons voted, with 1...
I have never been able to convince Excel to draw the graphs that I expect it should draw. I have a set of data which I want to use for the values of x, and anot...
The Yahoo! Music Engine description says, Transfer music to your portable player in seconds; it’s compatible with the most popular devices (Rio, Sony, Phi...
Jenny asks So what are you doing to help the iPod*-owning-soccer-moms in your community? Are you thinking that far ahead? As a profession, we’d better start f...
In a discussion on UNIX’s uid, which is a 32-bit unsigned integer unique only within a certain namespace, usually defined by the /etc/passwd file. These n...
Phil Ringnalda‘s simile comparing GET and POST with light switches and firealarms, reminds me of the situation at the head of our stairs. Making the fire ...
On April 12, 2005, Microsoft released MS05-019 to address several vulnerabilities in the IP implementation. One of the issues addressed was CVE CAN-2004-1060, a...
Sometimes you just want to reach across the Net with your Mighty Clue-by-Four and revise all incorrect, or partial, examples in one fell swoop. Here’s one...
This must be the season for private bills. Sen. Santorum (R) of Pennsylvania has introduced a bill that would ban the federal government’s meteorologists ...
I must first disclaim that I have not read Mr. Barnett’s book, but I have skimmed his web site. Therefore with something approaching more authority than m...
So the other day, Little Sister did y, and so we said she couldn’t watch a show. She didn’t particularly care about missing 64 Zoo Lane. She missed ...
Little Sister, there’s a special visitor coming to tumbling class this morning. Guess who it is. Daddy! No, but good guess. 😀