Redirection Refresher Course
A number of ways to send an HTTP redirect without reconfiguring the web server.
A number of ways to send an HTTP redirect without reconfiguring the web server.
Look at her eyes. And then look at those of the correspondents. Talking head Paula Zahn needs to get out of the CNN studios and visit New Orleans so she can app...
I am comforted by seeing Ernie‘s online presence in my buddy list.
As I noted previously, the Red Cross‘s site, and their donation host, Convio, had trouble handling the flood of attempts to help. Since then they have red...
I’m glad to see that Ernie, the soul I know from New Orleans, has escaped the devastation there. We visited New Orleans in, I believe, 1996, and had a fun...
CED Magazine reports that Cablevision has signed a deal to market TiVo equipment to DISH and DirecTV customers. Someone’s been reading my journal. “...
There are two buyers running up prices in this market: the couple buying your house, and their mortgage company. Before approving the mortgage, the lender will ...
Mitch Wagner says, One thing that could get us back to the movies is, I think, the return of the movie palace. Make the theater into an architectural achievemen...
David Sucher asks, How are you personally dealing with the housing bubble? In fits and starts. Over the past three years we have planned an addition to our home...
Yesterday, like the rest of the Known Universe, I installed Google Talk. I already have a Google Mail account, and, being a fan of Jabber, wanted to see how wel...
Rebecca Blood notes that the RIAA now blames CD burning for their lackluster sales. Maybe they should sing along with Beck. I’m a loser, baby, so why don&...
and still unavailable!
There is power in names. You probably know that Oracle is a company, and that they sell databases. (Well, strictly speaking, they sell a database management sys...
I’ve been thinking off-and-on, mostly off, about how to configure individual home directories on a WebDAV server. What’s necessary for individual We...
A reprint from The Washington Post in today’s business section reaffirms what Web browsers already know: we’re bored. “We know that 55 percent...
After selling out to Dell so that they could experience the same joys I did this morning, the Henrico County (Virginia) School District sold their collection of...
Microsoft: an expletive
The saying goes, that nobody ever got fired for buying IBM (or whomever happens to be the Big Kahuna this week). Maybe they should have been.
Microsoft Outlook is a sorry excuse for a mailer. And Windows is an impenetrable mess of spaghetti. In short: Microsoft sucks.
The Associated Press ran a story this morning on a gentleman from Texas who’s travelling to every Starbucks. The story helpfully contained a link to this ...