Speaking of the Modern
The Little Sister, when given colors that blend, will blend them. A friend of the family said, This looks like Kandinsky. You know Kandinsky?
The Little Sister, when given colors that blend, will blend them. A friend of the family said, This looks like Kandinsky. You know Kandinsky?
I think it’s funny that the forms of “modernism” I truly dislike are the visual and built arts. I like the literary and musical expressions, a...
The Little Sister has been talking about seeing The Copycats for the past two weeks. Last weekend we went downtown to see the lights and the tree at Rockefeller...
While reminiscing about our old home sites in Loveland, Ohio, I learned that a bike trail following the route of the Little Miami Railroad Company winds through...
Inconvenience them, then reduce their inconvenience. Works wherever there’s a bottleneck.
I awoke this morning to a correspondent for NPR‘s Morning Edition talking with Paul English about his guide to voice-mail jails. Not being easily able to ...
NPR reports that Clear Channel is lobbying for subsidies to sustain “free” (that is, advertising-supported) broadcast radio. Why? Listenership is de...
When Apple introduced the Aqua look-and-feel with Mac OS X, one of the gratuitous changes was moving the minimize/maximize toggle box from the right side of the...
SAN ANTONIO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Nov. 18, 2005–Today marks the birth of AT&T Inc. and of a new standard-bearer in communications, entertainment...
I am subscribed to a list run by LISTSERV. The other day I changed my subscription settings to have LISTSERV not mangle the message headers. After I did that, s...
Yesterday I called Verizon Wireless 411. As the call the ended, the computer said, To have this number sent to you as a text message please press one (1) now. N...
I read the real estate section in the newspaper each weekend. An advertisement caught my eye. “A return to village life,” it read. The houses pictur...
The mechanical Turk was a hoax, the pretense being a machine which could play chess. Instead of a automaton playing chess, the Turk concealed a human chess mast...
At 09:00, “Good morning. How may I help you?” At 16:30, “I’m sorry. I can’t do that, Dave.” I don’t work these hours, ...
Have you watched children draw houses or towns? What kind did you draw when you were a child? Did they look like this? From what I’ve seen, children draw ...
I pointed out some incremental improvements in Google Maps to David Parmet, and he asked if I’d seen the Yahoo! Maps beta. I hadn’t, but now I have....
The Big Sister had two very important questions this morning. First, why do we celebrate Thanksgiving? And the obvious follow-up: What were the beds like at Pli...
Adam Bosworth and I share something in common. Unlike many of my peers in the computer industry, I was a history major in college and have loved and read histor...