Disney’s Biometrics
One of the interesting changes since the last time we were in DisneyWorld was the addition of finger geometry scanning when you present your ticket for park ent...
One of the interesting changes since the last time we were in DisneyWorld was the addition of finger geometry scanning when you present your ticket for park ent...
Netcraft reports that Apache has overtaken Microsoft Internet Information Server as the most-used SSL server. It’s a small lead, but look at the trend in ...
John Gruber writes about the far-too-helpful changes to selection, in which Apple added annoyance-level compatibility with Microsoft Windows to Mac OS X. Stop i...
Zimran points out an essay in Slate wondering whether increasing gas prices make politicians stupid. No, rising prices make them cowards.
It appears that Apple is building a giant NeXT cube in the hole in front of the General Motors building. The Midtown Book writes of that hole, The sunken plaza,...
Krzysztof Kowalczyk prefers Bloglines. I prefer Newsgator Online. We both win.
There should be sufficient data available to the State departments of transportation to describe the impact of variations in fuel prices on traffic. I wonder wh...
Some days it seems to me that the history of the world is a story of brothers: Cain and Abel, Ishmael and Isaac, Esau and Jacob.
Jeff Pulver and Tom Evslin have a suggestion for a new FCC regulation [via phoneboy]. Their suggestion has two options: Firstly, that the FCC require that all p...
Another item turned up by this archeaological dig was Mack White’s comic linking Operation Northwoods with the assassination of President Kennedy, the mil...
I’m cleaning my cubicle. As those who know me can attest, this is more of an archeological exercise than anything else. One of the papers I found was
Martin Geddes wonders whether landlords will bypass network operators to deliver content to their tenants. Brough Turner points to some slimey ways in which hou...
The Nebraska Legislature has segregated the Omaha Public Schools along ethnic lines, or so The Associated Press reports. LINCOLN, Neb. — In a move decried...
Paul Victor Novarese asks if Thomas and Friends (Based on The Railway Series by The Reverend W. Awdry) is the best television show ever. I like the books too.
The Poughkeepsie Journal reports that the Town of Beekman proposes to amend the regulation governing the construction of dead-end roads. The existing law is one...
I was remarking to one of my uncles that it might be fun to work on transportation at DisneyWorld. Given the rising cost of diesel fuel, one would think that a ...
Witold Rybczynski, writing in Slate, suggests that the Katrina Cottages should be shoddier. Wood framing, fiberglass insulation, and conventional vinyl siding w...
Does anyone actually like Daylight Saving Time? As I write this I’m stuck in an artificially illuminated artificial cave populated by cube-farmed troglody...
Interesting piece on NPR this morning about one-room schools. They are about 400 left in the country. One in Croydon, New Hampshire, serves a population which m...