First Impressions of Google Chrome: A List
Show search results from my history first, not from the web. So, how do bookmarklets work now? Default to restoring open tabs. Where’s that “Open in...
Show search results from my history first, not from the web. So, how do bookmarklets work now? Default to restoring open tabs. Where’s that “Open in...
In this political season, it’s helpful to remember that it’s all about popular. … think of Celebrated heads of state, Or specially great commu...
Today I learned that my daughter’s 3rd grade class takes their clipboards to the school garden, and then writes something about what they observe. On Frid...
I read in The Poughkeepsie Journal the other day that Dutchess County is considering widening 1.8 miles of Noxon Road, and that the project requires Federal app...
Every now and again I would appreciate a comment on here that’s not spam.
The speakers at the Republican convention are harping on exploiting domestic energy sources in order to reduce our dependence on foreign sources of oil. Because...
There seems to be some frustration over John McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin as the Republican vice presidential candidate. Most of what I’ve read...
I wonder if Google tweaks PageRank to reflect links shared in instant messengers, Google Reader, Twitter, and other semi-public channels.
Zimran, thanks for linking to Michael Lewis’s piece on Sarkozy’s attempt to make the French more productive. It is funny, but given my circumstances...
The one thing, the only thing, that will encourage substitution of an alternate fuel is increasing the cost of the primary fuel relative to the cost of the alte...
I realized today what bothers me about hyphenate groupings of people, such as Irish-American, Italian-American, or African-American. Why aren’t they just ...
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume am...
This morning I heard a piece on the radio about scooter sales in New York City. One of the comments piqued my interest. [The owner of Vespa SoHo, Zachary] Schie...
You know how in the movies, when the cops want to bust in on the mob doing their dirty deeds, first they go wake up the judge in the middle of the night, or dra...
Are you trying to lose our votes, or just revealing your interest in unrestrained Executive power now that you feel it is within your grasp?