First Impression of the Progress of the $700b Bailout
There’s something missing here, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.
There’s something missing here, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.
The elementary school requires the children to enter a personal identification number before they purchase lunch — even if they are paying cash. I feel a ...
We TiVo’d the last debate, and watched it again just now. Others have summarized it much more pithily, or eviscerated the candidates with more gusto, but ...
Politics makes for strange bedfellows, they say, and the Republican primary in New York’s 99th assembly district is a case in point. The incumbent, Greg B...
Were criminal charges brought against William Ayers? Was he found guilty? Did he serve his time? If not, why not? Meanwhile, apparently living in the same neigh...
Housing is affordable if the price is low enough for one to afford it. How does inflating the prices through increasing leverage make them more affordable?
Is a four-year college degree excessive for most? Charles Murray, writing at Cato Unbound, thinks a bachelor’s degree is unnecessary for most professions,...
I would like to point out to the audience watching the roller coaster on Wall Street that for every seller, there is a buyer.
The key word there is faith.
There is a propensity for politicians, and in truth all of us, to act hastily when the times call rather for patience and calm. Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY), in ...
The Big Brother and I were watching Madame Blueberry yesterday, and the moral of the story is, The greedy man troubles his own house.
The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Or, what goes up, must come down. Oh, look! It went back up again!
The newspaper says there’s a problem, but is there really? via Tom Palmer, David Cay Johnston wonders the same thing. In a letter to his fellow journalist...
There’s a woodpecker knocking on my house.
The excerpts from, and an interview with the author of, Angler: The Cheney Vice Presidency are disturbing, and reinforce what we already suspected. In what I ho...
(some observations, which I’ll hopefully clean up and form into a coherent post) Some say the financial crisis is a market failure, fixable by regulation;...
I tend to agree with Greg Mankiw — more generally with Arthur Pigou — on his recommendation to increase certain taxes in order to cover the external...
Watching the Presidential caucus race is, for me at least, akin to watching baseball. It helps to look at it as a team sport, with a rivalry as deep-seated as t...
For one of her classes last year, D. wrote a paper which analyzes an effect of the self-absorption of the media, in response to one of the unfounded assertions ...
Ancient Rome gave away bread. We give away television. % of television-watching population which receives their television signal over-the-air, and will be affe...