Author: Will Cox
The Blue No. 2 Fairy?
Finally, since we want to inspire mixologists to create cocktails that not only taste different, but look different, we add a little extra green-ness to give Le...
I’ll take a Manhattan
After a late, or early for me, arrival home from the office, I fried up a pair of cheeseburgers. I’m not quite ready to drink the Budweiser I have in the ...
The Deepwater Horizon
In honor of our friends over at British Petroleum, I tender the following creation, which I’ve christened the Deepwater Horizon (attempt 1 of n). Build, i...
Gin with Basil Pesto
What’s a good drink to go with pasta and pesto? I dunno. Let’s make one! Gin with Basil Pesto Step One is very difficult: marry an Italian girl. The...
Mint Lemonade
I may have mentioned this before, but, if not, there’s some mint taking over a corner of my yard. And, thus, it is best if I mix drinks which contain mint...
Martha Washington’s Rum Punch
But Independence Day should perhaps be celebrated with a, somewhat, more domestic punch, using Martha Washington’s rum punch recipe. (Warning: the source ...
Pomegranate Lemonade
The other day I drank an Honest Tea Cranberry Lemonade. I expected it to not be sweet, since they say it’s just a tad sweet. I did not expect that I would...
Scotch, on the rocks.
Stirred, Not Shaken
I read, in one of the many things I’ve read recently regarding cocktails, that James Bond’s ordering of a martini shaken, not stirred, was his order...
On Vermouth
My first impression of vermouth was from a bottle of Martini & Rossi’s dry vermouth which had been opened a long time ago, in a land far, far away, an...
Blueberry Fizz
Tonight I mixed this for D., from scratch, given what we had in the refrigerator and on the shelf. In a mixing glass, muddle eight blueberries with the juice of...
Trial No. 1: Mint and Pepsi
My sister has given me a challenge: to make a mint julep without bourbon. This is quite a challenge considering that bourbon is the essential ingredient without...
A Perfect Manhattan?
I’m out of gin (horrors!), and so made a perfect Manhattan. Shaken with ice, 1 3/4 oz. bourbon, 1/4 oz. dry vermouth, 1/4 oz. sweet vermouth. Served in a ...
A Gimlet not unlike the Richmond Gimlet
Of the drinks I’ve made, I think my favorite is Jeffrey Morgenthaler’s Richmond Gimlet. I do, however, make a variation and not the exact recipe he ...
Mint Julep
After a hot afternoon out watching Little League softball, I was in the mood for reducing, if only slightly, the giant patch of mint in our backyard. And so mad...