I heard one interesting thing on the radio this morning, and one annoying thing. That’s about par. The interesting thing was an article in The Lancet on the rate of death in Iraq since March 2003, which suggests that contrary to official reports, the mortality rate is 18.8 deaths per 1,000 persons (slightly more than twice that of the United States).
(Perhaps just as interesting is that the second most-linked item in the Newsgator sidebar is the article itself, which neither The New York Times nor The Washington Post bother to reference by link.)
The annoying thing was the question on WAMC’s Roundtable.
According to the National Science Foundation, women earn half of all bachelors degrees and 37 percent of all doctoral degrees in science and engineering, yet they make up less than 20 percent of the science and engineering faculty at four-year colleges and universities. Why do you think that is? [links added]
Because they find better careers?
Apparently this is a subject of no little concern; the National Science Foundation is distributing grants to colleges to help remedy the discrepancy.