I am still in the office. It was that kind of day.
While I waited for the new VPN to completely install, I read that Google Talk has some nifty new features, ordered a Google-branded headset, and found FogCreek is looking for a system administrator.
There is something to be said for working for a small company:
We’re in New York City. We pay well and have great benefits, like free lunch, stock options, Aeron chairs and private offices. You get four weeks of paid vacation and six holidays, health insurance, a dental plan, gym membership, and relocation expenses paid. We’ll consider applicants from anywhere in the US. We will not consider telecommuting.
Damn. That no telecommuting clause put the kibosh on my interest in Google too. Oh well. I understand the benefits of working closely, physically, with others, but unless the StorageTek robot jams — like it did this evening — or unless you’re running Oracle on Windows, much of the work does not require one to be physically near to the servers. And I’m tired of driving, and tired of taking the train, and want to be near my family.