Damn. I got caught; Rick tagged me!
Four jobs I’ve had
- Cashier
- Secretary
- Pre-Press Operations
- Sysadmin
- Dad
Oops, that was five.
Four movies I can watch over and over
Watching Groundhog Day once is not unlike watching it over and over. I don’t generally watch a movie more than once. But if I had to, I could watch these.
- Star Wars: A New Hope
2001: A Space Odyssey, except the dream sequence at the endThe James Bond Å“uvre- Mary Poppins
- A Room with a View
Four TV shows I love(d) to watch
- The West Wing
- Lost
- Desperate Housewives
- The Sopranos
Four places I’ve been on vacation
- North
- South
- East
- West
Four favorite dishes
- Cherry pie
- Bacon
- Pancakes — butter melting on each — drizzled with maple syrup
- My wife’s lentil soup
Four websites I visit daily
Four places I’d rather be
- Home
- Library
- Restaurant
- See vacation, above
Four I’m tagging
David Parmet dodged, so I tag Matt Weyandt.
Larry, you ever going to get back on the web?
I’ve already been down this particular rat hole…. can’t get me again!!!
I’ll be back on the Web when I have something interesting to say.
P.S. Happy belated birthday!
Finally got around to responding!