I pointed out a link to Larry Staton the other day, and he pointed back at del.icio.us. Jon Udell has been talking about del.icio.us for some time, and I’ve seen mention of it in many places where I go, but I had yet to give a shit. Larry put it in the right context: distributed bookmarks.
My bookmarks are not organized, will probably never be, and keep getting reproduced on each machine I inhabit. In 1998, one of the things I implemented at I.M.A.G.E. was using the Domino LDAP directory to back Netscape’s roaming profiles. I did this again at Thaumaturgix with the iPlanet Directory Server. People liked it; their bookmarks roamed.
With Foxylicious, and del.icio.us as the backend, and tags on the bookmarks, my bookmarks can not only be in two places at once, but organized. However, I will still be adding items to this blank slate, not importing my existing collection.