Cox Crow
Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
A: With IIS you cross your fingers and pray that the undocumented changes won't break anything.
But with Apache you spend hours reading through diff(1)s trying to figure out just what was changed, determining whether or not you can replace that feature with an existing module, and whether or not you want to risk moving to Apache 2 instead — all because you won't patch the source you're reading because you're not quite sure it's what built the binary that's running. So eventually, you'll cross your fingers, rebuild the binary, and hope that nothing breaks.
6:00:09 PM #
categories: System Administration
If none of us go for the blonde...
I saw A Beautiful Mind last night. One of these days I'll have to look at game theory again.5:31:12 PM # Google It!
Message Passing
I'm trying out Simon Fell's blogToaster just for kicks — and because Rick Klau mentioned it. Should work just fine through the Jabber MSN gateway.And it does. Like Radio's aggregator, there's a delay between when updates and when notification happens, because it checks on a schedule. So unless notifies the notifiers, notification won't be instantaneous. acts as hub, routing notification messages to points downstream, which may then notify others.
11:58:57 AM # Google It!