Writing Online
on my (ab)use of Radio Userland
Minor Optimizations
Two minor optimations can be made to Radio Userland, that should improve the end-user's experience of a Radio site's performance: 1) stop using an image for the permalink, and 2) stop loading images from another host. [more]1:25:29 PM # Google It!
categories: Writing Online, System Administration
Anchoring Days
Yesterday I made a minor change to my Radio Userland #itemTemplate.txt to change where Radio places the anchor for items. Today I made a similar change to the #dayTemplate.txt file, and a related change in my CSS stylesheet.This is pretty straightforward: add an id attribute to the initial element in #dayTemplate.txt, like so:
<div class="date" id="<%shortDate%>"><%archiveLink%> <%longDate%></div>
I used the %shortDate% macro to create unique ids, but that generates invalid HTML: the ID datatype must begin with a letter (for W3 knows what reason), and may not contain slashes (/).
You can now link to day within the index pages by using a fragment identifier, like so http://www.coxesroost.net/journal/index.html#9/26/2002.
10:38:07 AM # Google It!
categories: Writing Online