
 Wednesday, June 19, 2002

Old news is fish-wrap

I haven't heard back from NPR yet, except for an automated response letter that didn't apply to my request.

4:48:31 PM # Google It!
categories: Media

Meanwhile, back at the Ranch

Can you do the Can Can?

4:25:55 PM # Google It!
categories: Media

Here be Dragons

I consider links to be another form of citation, allowing one to precisely attribute a source. It's also a pointer, a signpost, in the map of my words.

When writing a history, you draw on the the words, the pictures, the deeds of others. If you are unable to direct readers to those others, then how are your readers to build any trust that what you say is so? When all you are doing is weaving many threads into a tapestry, you cannot, godlike, call it forth: fiat lux.

Unknown regions, places we've never been or cannot go, are wastelands, filled only with dragons.

12:15:29 PM # Google It!
categories: Language, Law, Media


I found some interesting things to link to on NPR, and then I found that they would appreciate that I fill out a longish form before I do so.

I asked. It was only polite. Let's see how long it takes before they get back to me.

11:32:39 AM # Google It!
categories: Media