I finally realized why Jack Valenti, Hilary Rosen, Michael Eisner, Senator Hollings, et alia, piss me off so much.
I am an author. I hold copyright in my works. Some of my works are for hire, because they pertain to my job.
They do not create. They do nothing. They add no value. And yet they presume to speak for us?
Preaching to the Choir
It does little good to publish counter-arguments only online. By not publishing in the old-line media, we allow those who do so to define the terms of the debate.This does not mean publishing solely in the print media. There is a vast aliterate population out there, listening to talk radio and watching Survivor.
How? Beats me. I'm just a lowly sysadmin pushing buttons, not a media mogul.
4:09:52 PM # Google It!
categories: Law, Media
I read over the CBDTPA again last night. The bill has some egregious flaws:
- It does not promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts.
- Copying is intrinsic to our art. It is impossible to implement section 9 without violating section 3(e).
- Preventing the copying of the matter attempts to void the limited times requirement of the Constitution, by effectively preventing the matter from entering the public domain.
- The findings of Congress are flawed regarding the demand for broadband and digital television.