
 Thursday, March 21, 2002

A rather extensive Microcontent article on the Google removal of, via Glenn Reynolds

5:32:36 PM #
categories: Law, Media

UserFriendly considers burning issues of the day.

3:20:27 PM #
categories: Law, Media

Infringing copyright by pointing to the infringer?

Google removed from its index because of a DMCA notification from the Church of Scientology.

A comment at Kuro5hin on the story brings up the issue of caches infringing copyright.

There are two separate issues here. First, is copyright infringed by pointing to the infringing matter? Second, is copyright infringed by keeping a temporary copy of the source? In the first case, the DMCA says yes. In the second, it says no. Go figure.

12:21:08 PM # Google It!
categories: Law, Media