
Mangling Knowledge
 Wednesday, April 17, 2002

Conveniently Stackable Shoulders

The opening lines grabbed me:

In toy stores everywhere a depressing trend unfolds: Lego bricks are losing popularity and the line of Lego known as “TECHNIC” has been transformed into a shallow mimicry of action figures. Somewhere an accountant or a focus group must have realized that a box full of plastic bricks and gears was too complicated, took too much work to transform into something that resembled a toy, and wasn't selling as well as Star Wars merchandise.

I guess I must be one of those inquisitive engineers mentioned at the bottom of the graf, because I find the Lego TECHNICs boring. You can't build many things with them. You have to go out and buy more.

5:55:49 PM # Google It!
categories: Industry, Learning, Media, System Administration

Knowledge Management: the Georgia Tech method

He wanted to learn. That was his big mistake. The university officials who filled in the violation form were forced by the Georgia Tech rules to stray so far from their obligation as educators that they seriously listed part of the freshman’s offense in exactly these words: "He was trying to learn it."

9:51:26 AM # Google It!
categories: Learning