Layer 8

The OSI network model doesn't diagram the missing layer 8: the human.
 Thursday, December 05, 2002

The Watercooler

Rael Dornfest:
Cast a net for a set of personal UUIDs (read: telephone numbers). Notify me if anyone within tooth-shot has more than a specified threshhold of n contacts in common. Offer to broker an introduction.

Howard Rheingold:

As he sees it, the crowds who surround us every day constitute a huge waste of social capital. If you live in a city for instance, there are many who pass within a few yards of you each day who could give you a ride home, buy an item you're trying to sell, or consider you as dating material.


The new iChat instant messaging app can use Rendezvous to discover and directly connect with other iChat users on the network, adding colleagues and friends to the list when they enter the network and removing them when they leave, all automatically.

9:24:41 AM # Google It!
categories: Layer 8, Messaging