
commentary on the Law
 Friday, June 07, 2002


LawMeme brings up Sony v. Universal in MPAA Misleads in Response to ReplayTV Lawsuit. IANAL, but in my opinion Sony v. Universal applies equally well to DVRs as it does to VCRs. The primary and secondary functions of both technologies are equivalent. Given Mr. Valenti's love for hyperbole, I'm surprised that he hasn't compared Sony v. Universalto Roe v. Wade.

If they wish to overturn Sony v. Universal, then they should suffer the consequences of the non-existence of the VCR, and return all monies received from the sale of content in that medium. Not acceptable? I didn't think so.

By the way, the MPAA states: "We have never indicated any desire or intent to bring legal action against individual consumers for use of this device."

Why not? Aren't the individual consumers the parties committing the theft?

2:29:23 PM # Google It!
categories: Law, Media