commentary on the Law
The network is not "provided." It merely exists.
3:16:32 PM #
categories: Law, Note to Self
Trails of Pennies
The down side as some of you will be quick to point out: thanks to cut and paste capabilities, lots of people were able to read the controversial comments without visiting The up side: recognition for the magazine, publicity for the story and the chance to watch the Internet at work.
— "From Acorns to Mighty Oaks," Online Journalism Review via Kellner's Interviewer Speaks Out [ LawMeme]
While her column is a good overview of network effects on a work of journalism, Ms. Kramer doesn't understand 1) that copying is permitted in commentary, particularly criticism, regardless of how she feels about it; 2) that there is no contract, either implied or not, so her downside is not possible to prevent.
Either she doesn't know, or doesn't quite grasp, that broadcast television, and any advertising medium for that matter, is a barker, a shill, the guy on the street trying to get you to come into the store. They just toss pennies on the sidewalk, whether you pick them up or not doesn't matter. If you do, that doesn't matter either. They just happen to be strewn on the sidewalk in a trail leading into the shop.
If no one comes into the store, he's not doing too good a job of convincing people that they should buy something.
As Mulher says: "I don't owe that lady who gives me cheese samples at the grocery store an obligation to buy the whole dairy aisle."
c.f. Wealth Bondage
Jenny, our friendly neighborhood Shifted Librarian, offers Ms. Kramer two good recommendations for an appropriate response to this upswell of indignation.
12:48:00 PM # Google It!
categories: Law, Media, Writing Online