Wants v. Needs
I have a toddler. She's two, as of yesterday. I don't think you should put off teaching proper use of the language just because your child "doesn't understand the difference." Doing so merely stifles her understanding. People, children especially, have a wonderful ability to grasp complex things, like grammar, quickly. So I have no tolerance for allowing a child to continue speaking poorly: "Me need that!"If my daughter can understand the difference between "need" and "want," and know the proper use of pronouns, I think certain others can as well. Unless there is need, you must persuade us to want. Is this so hard? It's much easier if you can discern what we already want, even if that want is unrealized.
As Steve Jobs put it to John Sculley, "Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or change the world?"
6:05:06 PM # Google It!
categories: Industry, Language, Media
The Spectacle
Are Weblogers [sic] Situationists ? So true:The 4 hours you as an average citizen spend in front of the television is what keeps the general popualtion shackled to the teet of the beast. You are not relaxing when you watch, you are being fed. And the diet is not healthy.
[Adam Curry: The Big Lie] via [s l a m]
12:46:34 PM # Google It!
categories: Industry, Language, Media