
Internet Service Provision
 Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Too Helpful by Half

Another nail in the coffin. VeriSign has added a wildcard A record to .COM and .NET. I'm nearly speechless. [Guerrilla Networking]

From the document describing Verisign's implementation of this bad idea:

Before this service was implemented, when a user entered a URL containing a nonexistent (e.g. unregistered) domain name ending in .com or .net, his or her web browser returned an error message that contained no useful information.

Bullshit. It contained the information that the name does not exist.

A New York Times article on the subject mentions Verisign's justification for this action is the unhelpful error message displayed by Internet Exploder.

Testing found that 20 million users daily failed to connect to the site they sought; instead they received the error message, "The page cannot be displayed."

See, I knew everything was Microsoft's fault.

9:54:19 AM # Google It!
categories: Industry