Internet Service Provision
Boiling Off the Fat
Netcraft's September survey presents a breakdown of surveyed addresses, by IP address instead of by hostname.This has the effect of boiling off all domain parking, HTTP/1.1 shared hosting, and eliminating duplicate counting of the same server when multiple domain names ... all point to the same site.
When counting by IP address, the supposed volatility of the past few months disappears, with Apache showing a three percentage point increase from 51% to 54% since the start of 2001, and Microsoft unchanged at 35%.
More than one IP address may be bound to a single NIC, and more than one NIC may be found within a host, so we can't extrapolate from this data and say that n number of hosts are serving web pages. What we can say is that of the publicly-accessible addresses that are serving web pages, at least 35% of them are running a version of Windows.
3:30:09 PM # Google It!
categories: Industry
But, Cap'n, she cannae give you more power!
Intel's Huge Bet Turns Iffy: "It turns out, Dr. Schmidt told the audience, that what matters most to the computer designers at Google is not speed but power — low power, because data centers can consume as much electricity as a city." [ The New York Times via Hack the Planet]
2:42:40 PM # Google It!
categories: Industry