Internet Service Provision
I don't think Apple will move to the x86 chipset. Why? Mostly for the same reasons they haven't done so already. If they do move away from the PowerPC, they are more likely to use Transmeta's Crusoe.
12:37:50 PM #
categories: Industry, Low-Hanging Fruit
What Grove Giveth, Gates Taketh Away
Phil Wolff amplifies Bob Lewis's assessment that work in IT will be more often sent overseas or replaced by technology.Some in the sysadmin side of this field fail to share their knowledge. They see this as job security, making them irreplaceable. Others like products, often from a certain Redmond-based company, that require a lot of hand-holding, patching, and jury-rigging. They see this as job security, making them irreplaceable. Others like regulation. They see this as job security, making them irreplaceable.
I think there's more than enough to go around, so why make it harder for yourself?
As for moving production overseas, the same things hinder that movement that keep commuters on the trains into New York City.
12:04:52 PM # Google It!
categories: Industry