
Internet Service Provision
 Monday, June 03, 2002

Appropriate Uses for Inappropriate Patents reports that the USPTO published a patent application that covers pop-under advertisements. They don't link to the application, but this may be it: 20020046087 .

That's it, boys, sock it to 'em where it hurts.

4:36:55 PM # Google It!
categories: Industry, Law


Raph Levien reviews Linked: The New Science of Networks, by Albert-László Barabási (ISBN 0738206679).

2:50:27 PM # Google It!
categories: Industry, Media, System Administration

So, let's say that wireless networks have solved half of the problem, going from two to one cables. Now I want wireless power .
[Paolo Valdemarin: Paolo's Weblog]

It's all just electricity, after all.

12:15:53 PM #
categories: Industry