Internet Service Provision
Well, Duh!
Now if we could only go back to the good, old days, when the only sites with pop-ups were pr0n sites:
MSNBC: ‘Pop-up' relief for AOL members? Reducing the number of pop-up ads is a part of the online service company's grand scheme to get back on the growth track... [Tomalak's Realm]
Pop-ups, pop-unders, and pop-offs are annoying as all get out, and drive customers away, or attract inadvertent traffic through deceptive practices. These things do not result in sales for the advertiser. The problem is that advertising is billed for by impressions. It is to the benefit of the medium, the seller of space, to generate as many impressions as possible — thus overloading the space.
Changing the billing to a per click rate would reduce, somewhat, the incentive to overload the space, but wouldn't improve the effectiveness of the advertising. That requires a good hook, and appropriateness to the audience.
5:08:28 PM # Google It!
categories: Industry, Media