
 Monday, January 12, 2004

Sunday Thoughts

Yesterday my wife was feeling sick, so I took the girls to Church by myself. That was strange. For one thing, I'm Protestant, specifically Presbyterian. I am still somewhat uncomfortable with the Roman Catholic ceremony, but no longer feel as out-of-place as I once did. Oddly enough, my favorite part of the ceremony is now exchanging a sign of peace, also known as the kiss of peace, where once it was my least favorite. Later, the Big Sister expected to go up to receive the Eucharist with me, since she does so with her mother. But the Pope regrets the divisions in the Church that prevent me from joining in Communion.

My daughter's expectations are more important than those of the Bishop of Rome. I carried the girls forward, and received the Host.

Then we went to Dunkin Donuts.

Then I packed the girls back in the car, and drove across the street to the Key Foods supermarket, for orange juice and a couple of other things. You would think that the International Organization of Soccer Moms and Chauffeurs would protest suburban developments that require them to reload their vehicles more than twice a day, particularly in regions of temperature extremes and other foul weather.

By the way, I think they have rain in Japan. You would think that the Honda engineers would take this into account when designing the CR-V.

3:03:59 PM # Google It!
categories: Family